Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me or is the "Add Image" function not working today? I've been trying all day to load in a photo for a Tuesday post but it just wouldn't cooperate! Is anyone else having the same problem?


  1. That's strange! I did a post and everything was fine.

  2. My computer has been painfully slow. I was at physical therapy today and the lady said they have been having troubles. She said they were told in a meeting that the tsunami caused problems with cables under the ocean.

    I dunno ~~

  3. Me too, me too. Yesterday and today I am trying to add a photo of daffodils so I can post on my blog and it won't let me. The "add selected" button isn't working.

  4. Thanks so much for your input...looks like it's not just me then...?

  5. Well I'm not having trouble with the add an image, but all my followers disappeared ~

  6. Hope its OK for you soon as I look forward to my daily dose of vintage :-)

  7. Hope your photo problem is resolved! Do you use Picasa to post your photos? If so, check your storage. I just posted a few minutes ago fine.

  8. Coralie - once your photo appears in the box, you have to click on it once - then a blue frame will appear around it and then the add selected button will work. You have to select it to add it.


  9. sometimes mine works, and other times i have so much trouble.....i'm looking into getting a new one....hope yours works soon......rizzi

  10. I have been having weird issues up loading photos as well. A few weeks ago ~ blogger said I had reached my limit of photos and had to pay $5.00 storage fee to continue??? I did but wonder if I was the only one.

  11. That's so frustrating, Coralie! I use "Windows Live Writer" now, and never have any problem with that anymore...so much easier to use! Here's a link if you're interested--it's free!


    Hope you're having a wonderful night!

