Ginger was the only pup of her litter to survive in December 1996. She was first named Rejoice since she arrived at Christmastime but, by the time we met her at 7 months old, she was being called RJ. Still this little sunshine sheltie seemed way too sweet to be called RJ so we changed her name to something that sounded similar and really matched her beautiful coloring and nature—Ginger! Sweet sunshine Ginger!
However, we almost didn’t get the chance to name her at all! When we went to see the puppy, my husband Jim held back his attention because he knew I would make the final decision on if we would take her home or not. Because of this, the breeder called me the day after our visit and said she was having misgivings about selling us the puppy. What? I couldn’t believe my ears. But she went on to explain that she didn’t think Jim was really interested in RJ and that meant (to her) that we might not cherish the pup.
“This is so crazy,” I told my husband. “I already love that sweet little sheltie and now she (the breeder) might not let us have her. “We’re going back again tonight and you had better make that dog like you! I don’t know how you’re going to do that, but you’d just better!”
That evening we returned to see the little dog and it was amazing to see how much she liked my husband. In fact, she sort of ignored me most of the visit and kept going back again and again to Jim.
Next day, the breeder called and said she’d been mistaken about Jim and that he obviously DID like the pup. So she would bring the pup to us the next day.
When I told Jim the good news, he smiled from ear to ear—the grin of The Cheshire Cat came to mind. “I guess my plan worked!” he said. “Did you know that if you rub chicken grease all over your hands, any pup will become your fast and true friend?”
Sweet Ginger came to live with us the very next day and has been our sunshine girl ever since! We—both of us—couldn’t love or cherish her more!
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