This is our dear beautiful Carrie who came to us eight years ago when she was almost three years old. She had been returned to her breeder because of a divorce situation. She was timid, shy and pretty terrified the first week here but each day she’d make her way closer and closer to me. It took only a week and then one day she came to where I was sitting and looked up at me, questioning. I took her in my arms and told her, “I’ll never let you go! I promise! I love you and I’ll keep you safe! I promise.” I felt the fear leave her body in one big breath of relief.
Each of our three shelties has a completely different personality and Carrie is the “calm and patient one” which for anyone who knows shelties is not only amazing but also nearly impossible. She is what her breeder refers to as a “plain-faced sheltie” which means she has no markings on her velvety brown nose. We have to laugh whenever we refer to her as our plain-faced dog since her face is so expressive, loving and beautiful. She’s the queen of our home, the alpha dog who quietly rules the others and who, from the very beginning, has ruled our hearts.
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