So, here I was flossing early Sunday morning and out popped my beautiful gold onlay!
Dentists, dentists, all around and not one near enough to call! Both of my sons, Paul (Dental Nation) and Pete, are dentists but live 600 miles away in a northerly direction; my brother John is a dentist but lives 600 miles away in a southerly direction. And I'd worked for years with the dentists at the University of Michigan and, while they're only a few miles away, it's Sunday and only the automated voice messages are up and running.
So here I am, tooth in hand, crater in mouth, and no one to call. Until Monday. You guessed it; stress was the name of the game all day Sunday and during the night as well.
Of course. Monday morning was no exception, until I was finally able to reach a real person and get an appointment in one of the UM clinics. Would they be able to recement my onlay? Would I have to get a new filling? Did I have decay starting under it all? What if it was even worse? Then what? Huh?
However, all the stress in the world, didn't help fix the situation. Only a dentist could do it. And Dr. Oh politely looked in my mouth, said it looked like a "best-case scenario" and promptly cemented my onlay back in its place. Was I a happy camper then? YES!!!
Now I have to tell you the trip to the dentist was no thrifty find. No, not nearly. The thrifty find came later in the day. When I returned home flashing my once again happy smile, Jim suggested a trip to an antique mall we hadn't visited for some time. Suddenly, stress was a thing of the past and the future held only wonderful treasures soon to be discovered. And off we went to the Williamston Antique Mall.
I was barely in the door when I found this amazing 1940's primer for only $4! The Work-Play Books' "Friendly Stories" by Gates and Huber! All those fabulous vintage illustrations to enjoy. Stories about Jack the rabbit, Bingo the dog, and Topsy the cat! All those sweet little animals to read about! Yippee!
And, finally, the moral of the story: All that stress really paid off, didn't it? Hm..!

ReplyDeletemannequin said...
I'm glad you're feeling better too! Isn't that always the way it is, the weekend tooth catastrophe?
Sounds like hubby is a charmer; he knew just what the doctor ordered!
Your primer is gorgeous, what a treasure. I remember getting excited when my son went in first grade, I couldn't wait to see his workbooks! They were cheap, badly illustrated paperbacks. I guess to him, they will hold special memories as well though :)
July 7, 2009 6:34 AM
blushing rose said...
ALWAYS caps/crowns fall out on weekends, without fail! Happy ending but a gorgeous start with a new primer ... love them! TTFN ~ Marydon
July 7, 2009 8:30 AM
jordiegirl said...
Pleased your tooth tale had a happy ending Coralie. Well done with your find. Hope you enjoy them.
It always seems that problems like that have to happen on a week-end, or at least a Friday evening when everything has just closed up for the week-end.
My husband has a saloon car hackney carriage (taxi) and you can guarantee if something is going to go wrong with it then it will be on a Friday night or during the week-end, his most busy and lucrative times of work!!!!! when he can't get anything fixed even though our local dealer always bends over backwards to help if he can.
July 7, 2009 10:38 AM
Christine said...
You are so good at finding all of these books!
July 7, 2009 11:04 AM
Laurie said...
Oh I know, worrying gets you nothing but it is so hard to stop, isn't it?!
Lovely book. Lovely husband!
July 7, 2009 5:29 PM
Paul Jacobs, DDS said...
Why did the dentist have to look in your mouth to know you were a "best case scenario"? I could have told you that over the phone! Your (dentist) son, Paul
July 8, 2009 2:48 PM
Annie said...
I'm so glad your inlay is back in place. I've had the same situation.
Wonderful husbands like yours and mine know just what things will take away our stress. Love your "new" old primer.
And I see that your son reads your blog...how wonderful!
July 8, 2009 5:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Coralie -
This blog that you have put out is great - I am "Ellie" the one that put in a comment on your "Vintage Cottage Homes." I had anonymous on the comment. I am your son, "the dentist" favorite patient (maybe), he never did say. I read his blog and will tease him that "I think that you helped him with it," because his was also very good.
July 19, 2009 12:23 PM