1) I love movies, films, and plays! In fact, I have acted in plays. One of my favorite roles was playing "Lulu" in Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party.
2) I have a red squirrel living in my garage and I'm trying to convince my husband that he should be allowed to stay there.
3) I've enjoyed having collections for many years and currently have a passion for vintage greeting cards and their beautiful boxes.
4) I love the color aqua!
5) I recently finished reading Geraldine Brooks' novel Year of Wonders, a novel about the plague which I found to be riveting!
6) I have a granddaughter who returned last week from two years in the Peace Corp in Jordan; she is headed for grad school at Johns Hopkins.
7) My grandson, her brother, is a junior in the Harvard School of Dentistry & Medicine.
8) Truly, I would rather craft than cook...any day! (Yet, I collect vintage cookbooks...go figure!)
9) I once worked for a national craft company designing patterns for items to make on looms.
10) I wrote my first story when I was eight years old. I used my grandfather's upright typewriter and typed with one finger. My mother, bless her, saved the original and I still have it!
Well, that's it. I'd like to give this award to my daily followers whose blogs I tremendously enjoy visiting. They fill my life with interesting new ideas, stories of their lives both like and unlike mine, and make me realize how much I value their friendships. Thank you all for being my wonderful friends!
ReplyDeleteJanine said...
I allwasy love to hear what other bloggers think, like and so on. That makes bloggin more personal.
You must be very proud of your grandchildren, and I am sure, they are proud of you.
July 21, 2009 7:22 AM
jordiegirl said...
Hi Coralie
Love your list of 10 things. I also love this blogging lark - I have made so many new friends through it.
My sister's favourite colour is aqua - mine is red. In fact I recently realised that most of my wardrobe of tops is red!!! Note to self: must buy some other colours.
I am sure you are very proud of your grandchildren.
I'm so glad your mother kept the original copy of your story and that you have still got it - that's great. Must admit that I much prefer typing on the old fashioned upright manual typewriters rather than electronic typewriter or computer keyboards. Oh, and I absolutely hate those awful flat laptop keyboards - I don't know how they expect you type on those things!!!!
I learned to touch type at school and we used manual typewriters, and when I started work it was manual typewriters. But time moves on and now we have these new fangled computers!!! I am 100% sure that I can type much faster on a manual typewriter (even if the keys did stick together when you went too fast)than I can on a computer because sometimes they seem to be playing catch up.
Bring back the good old days (although I would miss our blogging.)
Have a good weekend, speak soon.
July 24, 2009 10:32 AM