"They look like broken hearts," I told my aunt.
Auntie Sep explained that the broken hearts which grew in profusion were one of God's miracles. They were, she said, a sign of His understand of those times when our hearts ached but that there would always be His promise of hope. As we walked hand-in-hand enjoying God's miracles, I grew to understand that life is made up not only of happy days but also days of disappointment. Yet there would always be the joy of God's love for us to share.
(The entire story of BLEEDING HEARTS can be found in the book of memoirs, THE WISHING YEARS by Coralie Cederna Johnson, available at Wildwood Press.)
Visiting you today! a stroll down memory lane.
Love everything you visit. Much sweetness in remembering. You make my day! Love, Sis
February 19, 2009 9:59 AM
Ragamuffin Gal said...
Coralie ~
I love this touching post! Although I never had a dress like this, I certainly would have liked one. I did make "smock Apron like tops" in high school. One of them was the first "big" thing I ever sewed.
Darling memories about your visits with your aunts. I am trying to be that sort of aunt with my nieces. Blessings, Katie
March 14, 2009 9:30 AM